Aarogya Setu App : Useful App to fight Corona
The App is a part of a help intended to empower enrolled Users who have come in contact with other enrolled users who have tested positive for the Coronavirus 2 (COVID-19).
At the point when the App is installed on your mobile , it identifies when your device comes surprisingly close to some other enrolled user’s gadget and starts gathering data of other users as per the privacy policy of the app .
In the occasion you test positive for COVID-19, the Government of India will contact and additionally advise such registered users you have interacted with you, in the course of recent days who have a danger of being infected, to direct the suitable clinical advise. Likewise, you will be advised if, because of having interacted with any people who have tested positive for COVID-19, you have a danger of being infected.
The App likewise allow users to do self-evaluation test to assess whether you are having any symptoms of Covid-19 or have a high chance to being infected.

You agree to turn on and allow the App access to the Bluetooth and GPS services on your mobile or handheld device.
You agree to keep the mobile or handheld device on which the App is installed in your possession at all times and to not share it with or allow anyone else to use it.
3. Expectation From You
You agree that you will only use the App in good faith and will not provide false or misleading information about yourself or your infection status.You agree that you will not do anything to throttle, engineer a denial of service, or in any other manner
Self-evaluation Test