My India is not safe – Patriotic Poem in English

Patriotic Poems

1 Patriotic poem in english – My India is not safe

My India is not safe

My India is not safe
because of the ministers craze
and he PM that they chase
but what about the problem that we face?
My India is not safe,
because of the ministers craze,
women have to bear,
but the ministers don’t hear,
I am feared,
We have to pay tears.
My India is not safe,
because of the ministers craze,
I am feared if they won in elections,
They don’t do anything in constitutions,
They don’t care neither about the pollution nor about the population,
Before the elections we are their head,
after the elections they are their headache.
My India is not safe,
because of the ministers craze,
They make so many maze,
price is the highest and honesty is the lowest,
How will the change begin?
It is the honesty that we have to bring in.
My India is not safe,
because of the ministers craze,
Modi is completing its chores,
by reducing India’s holes,
I hope we all vote for them,
All of us not only men.
My India is not safe,
because of the ministers craze,
They are snatching our rights,
And you are still sitting quite,
please do something or they will divide us into blacks and whites.

– Anchita

1 Patriotic poem in english – My India is not safe

Patriotic poem in english - My India is not safe

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